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I do not know much about me except that I'm weird.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

DIY jizz juice for the face

We've all heard the rumor... Jizz is great for your skin but the last I checked no one wants gonad juice on their face. Fret not! I have a DIY immitation jizz exfoliating vitamin C mask! It hurts so good but don't scrub hard just rub in lightly. Here's how to make the microdermalejaculationbrassion 
1 tablespoon of powdered vitamin C (trader joes or health stores carry the pure powder) with 1/2 to 1 tbsp water (make a paste) I used pure aloe vera from a leaf because my skin is so jacked up. Apply to, duh, face. Avoid, duh, eyes.... leave on for 15 mins till, duh, dries. It burns like a, duh, mother!!! Remove with a soft warm wash cloth it will still burn like a bitch but you will feel so good. Your skin needs this, for real. wowza! I rubbed  plain aloe juice on my face afterwards again... I feel like I just came from womb. so soft!


touch my face. smooth isnt it!