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Sunday, July 10, 2011

birds everywhere are breathing a sigh of relief...

Of course I would never for the rest of my natural life eat beef, game, pork, or any meat, meat... but if you had already read my overly dramatic post on thparrot attack, I said that I no longer have a problem eating birds. That same night, after the feather fuck attacked me, I ate Wendy's spicy chicken with a smile. I'm not smiling these days. God forbid if a teething baby was to bite me. Club it & fling it on a grill?
 Last time i quit 'the chicken', I just cared about the poor animal. Instead of chicken, I'd have mozzarella sticks, french fries or garlic bread. I didn't eat for my health, I ate making sure no one's mom was in my food. I was also smoking then too so there was no reason to eat healthy.  Now that I'm eating for my health, I think of all the diseases those nasty factory / slaughtered birds have. If I raised my own chicken, I honestly would probably send one off to be butchered every so often. I'd make it special, on birthdays. Happy Birthday Anya, here's your butchered chicken. For now, I wont purposely taunt and threaten fowls or give tuna fishes the stink eye but I will avoid it and murder a cucumber... with my bare hands.

slice in half lengthwise & scoop out  center & seeds, put in bowl

I added 1/4 of a pickle, ounce of feta cheese, chives, green onions

1/2 cup cottage cheese, tablespoon of flax & raw sunflower seeds. 

fold all ingredients together and top hollow cucumber. 

so delish!

I would love to think of other ways/versions of this. I also cant wait to try my second batch of homemade granola, new recipe with natural homemade applesauce instead of brown sugar.