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I do not know much about me except that I'm weird.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

punch you in the mouf, good

new recipe,  a handful of our kale turned into this...

-a batch of kale (ours was from garden you can see my girl spawn picking more)
-one tsp honey
-one tbsp olive oil
-juice from a 1/2 lemon
-a few yellow cherry tomatoes
-a small handful raw english peas
-a small handful of almonds, toast em to bring the flavor out.
-a small handful of dried fruit, I used orange flavored dried cranberries from TJ, chopped and I added coconut (I add coconut to almost everything). Dried currant would be good or raisin if you like that stuff.
salt & pepper
I think thats it.
Processed the kale in food processor till well chopped. Mix honey, oil and lemon juice, add salt and pepper pour over chopped kale, mix well. add dried fruit and nuts before serving.

now it's going to punch your mouth repeatedly when you eat, so good. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

bird food

Millet prepared with celery and onion stock, a massive clean salad (arugrula, swiss chard, spinach, peppers, celery, cucumber, shoots, peas, yellow tomato, flax seeds and a sprinkle of nut. yeast) and 2 sweet potato steaks roasted with sesame oil and rosemary. Cracked pink salt all over my dish & I'm actually liking millet these days...

Saturday, January 12, 2013

They're not going to be crack-heads

I was having a guilt trip about letting my little chick drink a Fanta Orange today. Then I looked at her lunch, it was so healthy and now we sit and eat dinner it is 100% vegetables and they're chowing it down mmmm-ing and all that good stuff. Fuck it! my guilt is out the door. I snapped a few pictures tho to remember the moment, i guess. My humans eat well enough one pop in a blue moon isn't going to hurt. I just get paranoid of the addiction. I want them to hate it but I also want them to enjoy the awesome sugary orange taste of Fanta while drinking out of a bottle.

Dinner was roasted spaghetti squash topped with onions, yellow squash, zucchini, kale, spinach, garlic and bok choy. Kids ate every bit of it and my chick got seconds. Unreal :)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

DIY jizz juice for the face

We've all heard the rumor... Jizz is great for your skin but the last I checked no one wants gonad juice on their face. Fret not! I have a DIY immitation jizz exfoliating vitamin C mask! It hurts so good but don't scrub hard just rub in lightly. Here's how to make the microdermalejaculationbrassion 
1 tablespoon of powdered vitamin C (trader joes or health stores carry the pure powder) with 1/2 to 1 tbsp water (make a paste) I used pure aloe vera from a leaf because my skin is so jacked up. Apply to, duh, face. Avoid, duh, eyes.... leave on for 15 mins till, duh, dries. It burns like a, duh, mother!!! Remove with a soft warm wash cloth it will still burn like a bitch but you will feel so good. Your skin needs this, for real. wowza! I rubbed  plain aloe juice on my face afterwards again... I feel like I just came from womb. so soft!


touch my face. smooth isnt it!